Thursday, January 3, 2008

So far So good!

Well friends, I'm off! I made a commitment to finish my book this year. I had this same goal last year, and know how it goes. I procrastinated so much that I definitely was not surprised when I didn't accomplish it. However, I will not be singing this same song in Jan of 2009. My book will be published, and I'll have if nothing else atleast 1 copy sold! (of course I am being very modest : )

I've been involved with a wonderful writing circle( that has helped me tremendously. I am a non-fiction Christian writer, so my genre is different from most on the site, but they've been able to assist with no hang ups.

Yesterday, I wrote for atleast 2 hours in my book, with no writers block..the words just came! Thank you Jesus for your inspiration. I am actually half way through the book since I did work on it "some"last year. My biggest challenge is stopping to edit which most writers know can eat up most of your writing time. I'm a writer with a message, not a grammar scholar--so I have to think about how my sentences are structured. (structure is often forgotten when you're focused on a passionate message-I've learned to write, and then go back to repair the damage!)

I've found a wonderful book that assist with the sound of writing, (amongst other things.) It's called The First Five Pages, by Noah Lukeman. It is wonderful! I've learned so much, and my manuscript looks better already!

Today, I met a woman who owns her own Christian Publishing house. Dr. Vivi Congress, she specializes in helping Ministers and Pastors get their words in print-uncompromised. That sounds like something I am interested in. I'm doing my research and keeping my options open, because once this book is finished I want to dive right into publication. At that point, I don't want to waste my time figuring out who I should send my book to. (Cost to publsih & market also play a large role, I'm not rich..... Yet!)

Until next time!

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